Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Music, Thoughts, pretty much anything that entertains me or distracts me will end up here. .

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rusty Slammington is Dead.

I can't quite believe it, but Rusty Slammington has died.... again.
The car that Mike Burroughs morphed into the most insane e28 ever built has officially died, after dying once already and being turned into the internet celebrity that it is/was.

There's a huge story, and a large build thread at that I encourage people to check out if you have the time. The car underwent huge changes throughout it's life in Mike's hands, and now it has no choice but to officially retire, a chopped and slammed version of what once was a businessman's sensible family sedan.

The full story at

What ended up being a mix of boredom, bad luck, and really good aim with horrible consequences, really just makes for a really sad day. 

Sorry, Mike. I can't imagine what you must feel.

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