Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Music, Thoughts, pretty much anything that entertains me or distracts me will end up here. .

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

240zg is always win

wide, low, white, 240zg. Always a winning combination


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have always loved red cars with white wheels, rolling shots, and Z32 zed-ex's
This picture seems to fit that criteria.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Start the day off right

A simple search of "Diamond Racing Steelies" in Google found this lovely S13,
and I couldn't be happier.
Although it seems as though the owner couldn't decide on a color choice, it doesn't much matter, it's just that badass.

Pictures grabbed from VisualEchos on Flickr

Happy Thursday, everyone.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Clean SW20

This is awesome. White SW20 on white Diamond Racing steelies...
Simple, yet, effective!

Yes, please.

My ideal tow rig.


Built by WCD Fabrication in Phoenix, AZ this truck isn't just for looks.
Plenty more pictures located in the Photo Gallery

Add them on Facebook. They're always working on something cool!

Proof that it's not just another pretty face :D

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rusty Slammington is Dead.

I can't quite believe it, but Rusty Slammington has died.... again.
The car that Mike Burroughs morphed into the most insane e28 ever built has officially died, after dying once already and being turned into the internet celebrity that it is/was.

There's a huge story, and a large build thread at that I encourage people to check out if you have the time. The car underwent huge changes throughout it's life in Mike's hands, and now it has no choice but to officially retire, a chopped and slammed version of what once was a businessman's sensible family sedan.

The full story at

What ended up being a mix of boredom, bad luck, and really good aim with horrible consequences, really just makes for a really sad day. 

Sorry, Mike. I can't imagine what you must feel.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The week from hell...

So, this week started off as any reg'lar ol' week does, until I blew the engine in the winter legacy, a.k.a. "Blue Car".
Ok, fine, whatever, I guess I won't be doing the work that I intended to do to the white legacy right now...
Slap the plates on the white car and go. Its always pleasant getting into the white car after driving the blue car all winter. They're the same year (1994) and practically the same mileage at 195k on the white one and 225k on the blue one. Amazing what abuse turns a car into...

So, getting back, I swap plates onto the white car, fire it up, take the valuables out of the blue car and put it out back where it will stay until I get to it, which is usually middle of November... lol

Thursday morning: I drive the white car to work, bail out of work 5mins early and make it 30mi to the RMV at 3mins before closing time. Mint!
Get in the door only to realize I don't have an rmv-1 form... Great, I've only done this a hundred times... Fine, turn around and leave.
Continue my Thursday bank routine, and come out of the bank to see that someone had hit my bumper, hard. It appears to be a tire, but it still rubbed quite a but of paint off, right down to the plastic....

Fantastic. Nobody is around, the bank is checking to see if there is anything on the surveillance tape. I hope so... Can't file a police report, considering the car isn't registered! Damn.

Drive it to work Friday, still very illegal. Take my lunch to run to the RMV and don't even make it out of town before getting tailed by a police car from the neighboring town that I will be passing through soon.
I turn down a side road, he turns. I turn into a driveway, he creeps by...
:: phew:: that was close. Continue on, and as I'm passing through the center, here comes that cop out of a side street. I go past, and lights ablaze, here he comes, after me. I tell a short story as to why I don't have a registration with me, and he tells me what he knows, and asks what my story was again, so I tell the truth. It gets impounded, I get a criminal citation, and now will wait for a summons. What was a $25 registration charge very quickly turned into a $200 day, plus whatever court fees, and whatever else.

Here's to hoping next week is better...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fool's Gold

Applied the gold foil last night, and put another coat of paint on the radiator support. Looks better than the first few coats, they were looking a bit orange, and I was NOT digging that.
As for naming it Fool's Gold, I suppose I will find out shortly if it was worth the money, but it reportedly works very well, and I need all the heat reflection I can get with the 7M...
Sure does look the part, though.

Mandrel Bends are for Pussies

If you have access to a TIG welder, and have a modified car, cool stuff almost always happens. Look at what happened when a guy on NWP4LIFE named $amEM1 and his buddy decided that mandrel bends are for the weak.

I get a lot of inspiration from things like this, I will be attempting the same in a few weeks hopefully, albeit I'll be MIG'ing mild steel, but it's all about the journey, right? Full story, and some cool pictures located at the full thread HERE.

h/t to!

Jump Drifting or Drift Jumping

Whatever it's called, Daigo Saito gets it.
I don't know why we can't have drift events like this in the States....
Minami Circuit at Ebisu. This is why D1GP is better than Formula D.

Keep the rubber side down.

Hard Marked

Check out this Miata over at,
all the artwork has been done with a Sharpie... Now that's cool! 
More pictures here

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


First post, let's see how this goes.
I'm going to be trying this out for a while, hopefully it catches on and I get some good traffic.
Reason being, I find a lot of cool stuff in the depths of the internet and for those that have seen what I post, you'll find it hard to believe that I only post some of what I find! I will be able to really bomb this page with pictures and videos without concern because those who don't like it can gtfo, or more likely, won't visit at all.

For those wondering, I will still be posting randomness on Facebook, but the bulk of it will be located here... So let's get started, shall we?

I present, a German Caged AWIC'd 7M-GTE Powered Pontiac LeMans
Brought to you by Chromjuewelen